grayscale photography of two people raising their hands
grayscale photography of two people raising their hands

Learning English is one thing, but learning to use the correct English when dealing with business matters is something else entirely.

It can be difficult to know which level of formality to use. Which phrasal verbs and idioms are acceptable? How do you deliver your presentation in an engaging but also understandable way? Then, once you have learned these things, how do you effectively network with native English speakers who are going to discuss a huge range of topics? This is why I developed my Business English packages to help you to master all of these things.

Learning English is a very personal journey and I believe no two people follow the exact same path. However, no matter what industry you work in, what's important is to first learn the vocabulary which is specific to your position. Then, build up a range of useful phrases which you can use in a wide variety of situations. Alongside this, you need to be able to discuss a range of topics so that, when you meet someone, you can hold a conversation about almost anything.



Bank manager - Italy

Lianne Wilson


Jaden Smith


Jessica Kim
